Designed to work hard for you
Premium wood products since 1976
Dejno's Premium Wood Shavings
Bulk Options
Premium Pine Wood Shavings
Western Wisconsin & Minnesota residents would call this product "The Clear Bag". The bag contains the ideal mixture of our Premium Pine Wood Shaving products. Our customers describe this product as being "soft & bright", and it brings a strong pine small into their stables - who doesn't' want that?!
Premium Pine Blend Wood Shavings
"I'm going through way less shavings than I used too!" and "These are the most absorbent shavings I've ever used". These are just some of the regular comments we hear from our customers when they talk about our Premium Pine Blend Wood Shavings.
Premium Northern Pine Wood Shavings
This product goes through an intense screening process to ensure there is a small amount of fines found in our bag. For over 20 years we have kept our Northern Pine formula exactly the same, and customers across the Midwest consistently choose our Premium Northern Pine Wood Shaving.
Premium Bedding Pellets
People who use Dejno's Premium Bedding Pellets swear by them.. and they won't use anything else! This product is designed to be 4x more absorbent than typical wood shavings. Some people spray them down lightly after adding the pellets in the stall, and some simply let the horse do its thing. Whatever you prefer, this product is undoubtedly designed to work hard for you.
Bulk Wood Shavings
We have bulk options available in the following states: Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan. We offer bulk wood shavings through a walking floor trailer, or you can rent one of trailers and keep it on your property - whichever you prefer. The products available are Pine, Economy, Fines, Basswood, and more! Let us know which one works best for you.
Where to buy
Wisconsin Wood Shavings
Beginning in 1976, Dejno's Premium Wood Shavings were being sold to stables, dairies, and retailers across southeastern Wisconsin. Fast forward to 2019, and we now have retailers, distributors, dairies, and stables receiving our premium wood shavings on a regular basis. We've come a long way, and we're proud to call Wisconsin our home.
Indiana Wood Shavings
With over 140,000 horses across the state of Indiana, it is crucial to have a premium wood shaving available for these animals. We are proud to have four of our premium products accessible in the state of Indiana.
Illinois Wood Shavings
Dejno's Premium Wood Shavings have found a home in the state of Illinois. A number of local dealers shown on the map below have been working with us for 25+ years. Since day one, we have prioritized relationships with these feed dealers. Our promise is to continue producing the highest quality animal bedding possible, while following through with our unmatched service.
Iowa Wood Shavings
Dejno's Premium Wood Shavings is looking to grow throughout the state of Iowa as our business continues to expand. If you believe a local dealer would benefit from selling our premium products, please don't hesitate to let us know.
Minnesota Wood Shavings
Dejno's Premium Wood Shavings were introduced to the Minnesota market in 1998. For over two decades we have produced a blend of premium pine shavings. We now have over 50 dealers distributing our premium pine shavings across the state.
Michigan Wood Shavings
Dejno's Premium Wood Shavings were recently introduced to the Michigan market due to customer requests. We now have 10+ dealers across the state, and we are always looking to expand in this area. If you know of a local dealer who would benefit from selling Premium Wood Shavings, please let us know.
Fuel Pellets (Wood Pellets)
What are Wood Pellets?
Wood pellets are bio fuels made from compacted sawdust which comes from lumber manufacturers. Wood burning pellets are becoming a common way for people to heat their homes. Their small size allow for automatic feeding into a pellet stove.